Корреджо (Антонио Аллегри)(1489 - ~1534).
Correggio (Antonio Allegri da Corregio) from Correggio, near Parma.
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In 1520...24 Correggio worked on the fresco Ascension of Christ in the cupola of the church of San Giovanni Evangelista, in Parma. The skillful use of light and shadow and luminous colors enhance the illusionistic technique, which makes the scene seem to extend beyond the physical limits of the dome.

Расписывая купол Пармского собора, Корреджо прорывается ввысь, создавая иллюзию, что над нами, в самом небе, парят созданные его кистью легкокрылые фигуры.

His early works show much influence of Andrea Mantegna in his chromatic shading, and of Leonardo da Vinci in his use of light and shade. These influences can be clearly seen in the "Nativity" (1512) and in the "Adoration of the magi" (1518), in Brera, as well as in the "The mystic marriage of St Catherine" {2549}, the "Madonna in Glory" {2548} and in the "Rest on the Flight to Egypt" (egitto.jpg) at the Uffizi. It seems that the artist later went to Rome, because his amazing decoration of the Room of the Abess at the Convent of St Paul in Parma, shows the Mannerist style and classicism of Raphael and Michelangelo, as does the subject chosen, a series of small gracious putti, with animals depicted inside "windows" (or "oculi") full of lush vegetation. Still in the Emilian city of Parma, Correggio continued to produce very scenic pictures: the frescos in the cupola at St John the Evangelist, showing "Visions of St John in Patmos" (1520...23), in which, below the brightly shining Christ, the apostles lie comfortably on soft clouds, while the circular shape of the composition suggests a whirling movement; the decoration of the Cathedral cupola with the "Assumption of the Virgin" (1526...30), the "St Jerome Virgin" (1527...28), also known as "Day" ("Night" is at the Dresden Gallery), characterized by a harmonious intimacy between the figures and a strong light (there is also an affected little angel with an open book) and the "Virgin with bowl" at Parma's National Gallery. Among his paintings on holy subjects is the "Noli me tangere" (1518) at the Prado in Madrid and the "Virgin's adoration of the Child" {2874}.

Correggio's paintings are characterized by sensuous nude figures, colors that have a cool, silvery sheen, great skill in foreshortening, and originality of perspective. About 40 of his canvases exist. All represent religious and mythological subjects.

Francisco Parmigianino
Богоматерь во славе {2548}
Madonna in Glory

Богоматерь со св. Франциском {3648}

Virgin with St Francis

Богородица и Младенец

Virgin and Child Богородица и Младенец на троне с ангелами и святыми {3652}
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and saints

Богородица и Младенец с ангелами и святыми {3649}

Virgin and Child with angels and saints

Богородица и Младенец с юным Иоанном Крестителем {2873}

Virgin and Child with young John the Baptist

Вознесение Богородицы {2872}

Assumption of Virgin

Коронование Богородицы {1978}

Coronation of Virgin

Мадонна делла Кеста {1745}

Madonna della Cesta

Муж Скорбей с предстоящими {6091}

Man of Sorrow with attendants

Обручение св. Екатерины

The mystic marriage of St Catherine Поклонение {2874}

Поклонение пастухов {1457}

Adoration of the shepherds

Святая ночь {1457}

The holy night

Св. Семейство {1745}

Holy Family

Ecce Homo {6091}

Ecce Homo
К его богородичным работам относятся также:
Богородица и Младенец
Virgin and Child Богородица и Младенец с ангелом и святыми, или День {1453}
Virgin and Child with angel and saints, or Day

Study for the "Madonna della Scodella"

Мадонна дель Латте
Madonna del Latte Отдых на пути в Египет {2559}
Rest on the flight to Egypt

Поклонение волхвов {2557}

Оплакивание {2558}

Lamentation over Christ
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru