Беллини Я.
Jacopo Bellini
Якопо Беллини (~1400 - 1470)
Jacopo Bellini, who had perhaps worked as an assistant to Gentile da Fabriano in Florence in 1423, interpreted the laws of linear perspective and plastic form adopted by the Tuscan artists working in Padua in a spirit which was in effect still Gothic.
He had frequent contact with the Tuscan artists working in Padua, where in fact in 1453 his daughter Nicolosia married Andrea Mantegna.
He shows a predilection in his paintings for musical linear rythms and the bright range of colors typical of the International Gothic style and at times for a grave Byzantine solemnity though this latter is compositionally more spacious in his version.
Jacopo Bellini dominated Venetian painting in the middle years of the fifteenth century and exercised a formative influence on the work of his sons, Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, and his son-in-law, Andrea Mantegna.
Богородица и Младенец
Virgin and Child Богородица и Младенец с ангелами {6172}
Virgin and Child with angels

Богородица и Младенец с предстоящим Лионелло д'Эстэ {2825}

Virgin and Child adored by Lionello d'Este
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг