Virgin and Child with red angels
Богородица и Младенец с четырьмя святыми и донатором {2808}
Virgin and Child with four saints and donor
Богородица и Младенец со святыми
Virgin and Child with saints
- название:
- Богородица и Младенец со свв. Екатериной и Магдалиной {2818}
- Virgin and Child with SS Catherine and Magdalene
Богородица и Младенец со свв. Магдалиной и Урсулой {2819}
- Virgin and Child with SS Magdalene and Ursula
- место:
- Вашингтон: гал. Нац. {6296}
- Washington: NGA
БР, любующаяся спящим Младенцем {1683}
Virgin looking with pleasure at sleeping Child
БР, поклоняющаяся спящему Младенцу {2792}
Virgin adoring the sleeping Child
Греческая {2800}
Greek Madonna
Коронование БР
Coronation of the Virgin
- вид иконы:
- иконостас {2665}
- altarpiece
Луговая {2810}
Madonna of the meadow
Мадонна ...
Madonna ...
- название:
- Мадонна дегли Алберетти {2811}
- Madonna degli Alberetti
Мадонна дель Прато {2810}
- Madonna del prato
Мадонна Контарини {5073}
- Contarini Madonna
Мадонна Тривулцио {2802}
- Trivulzio Madonna
Муж Скорбей с предстоящими {2814}
Man of sorrow with attendants
Озёрная {3944}
Lake Madonna
- история:
- In addition to the "Virgin and Child", another recurring theme in Bellini's work is the "Pieta". This subject too has the Byzantine origin of the imago pietatis iconographical models used in Venetian art.
- Venice, furthermore, was responsible for the introduction in the West of the so-called "Passion Portraits",
whose function was to establish an empathetic dialogue between the dead Christ with the wounds of the martyr and the faithful contemplating Him.
- The faithful, besides being moved by the sacrifice of Christ, draws consolation for his own pain through the observation of divine suffering.
- Bellini and his workshop executed several variants of the subject Lamentation over the Dead Christ.
- место:
- Бергамо: академия Каррара {2812}
- Bergamo: Accademia Carrara
- Venice
- место:
- гал. Академии {2813}
- Gallerie dell'Accademia
дворец {1367}
- Palazzo Ducale
Флоренция: гал. Уффици {2815}
- Florence: Galleria degli Uffizi
- вид иконы:
- иконостас {2665}
- altarpiece
Плач Богородицы
- место:
- Венеция: гал. Академии {2816}
- Venice: Gallerie dell'Accademia
Милан: музей Полди Пеззоли {2817}
- Milan: museo Poldi Pezzoli
Распятие с предстоящими {3986}
Crucifixion with attendants
- вид иконы:
- триптих {2787}
- triptych
Св. беседа
Sacred сonversation
- история:
- Bellini's Sacred Conversation is one of the loftiest expression of this frequently painted theme.
- The success of paintings like this can be measured by the large quantity of existing variants, mostly the work of the workshop or only partially autograph, and often reproduced in various copies.
- место:
- Венеция: гал. Академии {2818}
- Venice: Gallerie dell'Accademia
Мадрид: музей Прадо {2819}
- Madrid: Museo del Prado
Сретение {2820}
Presentation of Christ at the temple