Беччафуми Д.
Domenico Beccafumi
Доменико Беччафуми (1486 - 1551)
Domenico Beccafumi (Domenico di Giacomo) was from Siena, but probably trained in Florence.
His first works, the "Holy Trinity triptych" and the "Stigmata of St Catherine" at the Pinacoteca in Siena and the frescos in the Oratory of San Bernardino all show the influence of Raphael, Perugino and Fra Bartolomeo. Later on he started using colouristic effects with soft and varying shades, as can be seen in the "Nativity" {4741}, in the "St Michael Archangel" at the Carmine church, and in the "Birth of the Virgin" {2782}, but most of all in the tondo {2783}.
Рождество {4741}

Рождество Марии {2782}

Birth of the Virgin

Св. Семейство с юным Иоанном Крестителем {2783}

The Holy Family with young St John the Baptist
К его богородичным работам относится также:
Обручение св. Екатерины
The mystic marriage of St Catherine
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru