Аертсен П.
Pieter Aertsen
Питер Аертсен (~1508 - 75)
Pieter Aertsen was a Netherlandish painter active in his native Amsterdam and in Antwerp.
A pioneer of still life and genre painting, he is best known for scenes that at first glance look like pure examples of these types, but which in fact have a religious scene incorporated in them.
Aertsen was the head of a long dynasty of painters, of whom the most talented was his nephew and pupil Joachim Beuckelaer.
Поклонение пастухов {2158}
Adoration of the shepherds
К его богородичным работам относится также:
Butcher's Stall with the Flight into Egypt
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru